Misanthropizza's Lists

FavouritesCollections that you have loved

There are no Collections available for this List!

FollowingCollections that you are following

There are no Collections available for this List!

RatedCollections that you have rated

There are no Collections available for this List!

ReviewedCollections that you have reviewed

There are no Collections available for this List!

Want to PlayCollections that you want to play

There are no Collections available for this List!

PlayedCollections that you have played

There are no Collections available for this List!

PlayingCollections that you are currently Playing

There are no Collections available for this List!

Game PassCollections that you have played or downloaded through Xbox Gamepass

There are no Collections available for this List!

Games with GoldCollections that you have played or downloaded through Xbox Games with Gold

There are no Collections available for this List!

PS PlusCollections that you have played or downloaded through PS+

There are no Collections available for this List!

PS NowCollections that you have played or downloaded through PS NOW

There are no Collections available for this List!

EA PlayCollections that you have played or downloaded through EA Play

There are no Collections available for this List!

PlatinumedCollections where you have achieved a Platinum trophy

There are no Collections available for this List!

CompletedCollections where you have achieved 100% Completion

There are no Collections available for this List!

WishlistGames that you added to your wishlist

There are no Collections available for this List!


There are no Collections available for this List!

RemovedCollections that you have removed from your directory

There are no Collections available for this List!



