
Toy seller

Find 3 toys in New Game+ mode: teddy bear, sun and fish.

Ultra Rare



Complete the game in New Game+ mode using any modification.

Ultra Rare


Iron Mode

Complete the game in Iron Mode.

Ultra Rare


New Year

Celebrate the New Year in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Very Rare


Duty and conscience

Make a moral choice in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Very Rare


Father and son

Provide guidance for Kirill in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Very Rare


Real Colonel

Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Very Rare


The whole picture

Find all 9 hidden Diary pages in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Ultra Rare


Mind you, it's quite heavy!

Kill 3 Nosalises with flamethrower's melee attack in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.

Ultra Rare


Dodge master

This Accomplishment is secret. Keep playing!

Ultra Rare


It's just a scratch

Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter without using any Medkits on Normal or higher difficulty.

Ultra Rare



Organize a documentary screening in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

Ultra Rare



Set all 5 traps in the SAM'S STORY chapter as the Captain requests.

Ultra Rare



Complete SAM'S STORY on Normal or higher difficulty without dying in Batwing encounters.

Ultra Rare


The Last Hero

Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter.

Ultra Rare


A Man of Principle

Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter earning the Captain's full trust.

Ultra Rare


Great Owl

Find all the Night Hunters' secret stashes in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

Ultra Rare


Music Lover

Collect all harmonica melodies in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

Ultra Rare


Lord of War

Collect all the upgrades for Sammy rifle and Stallion pistol in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

Ultra Rare


Displaying Items 51 - 69 of 69 in total